Grade 5 Language Arts

Grade 5 Language Arts Term 1

In this unit, titled ‘Our Common Heritage’ with subtheme ‘Culture and Heritage’,students will be sensitized to the richness and variety of language.A major objective to assist them in acquiring the target language,-Standard Jamaican English. The programme is therefore organized to provide practice in the four areas into which the Language Arts is divided–oral language (listening and speaking), reading, writing and language awareness (linguistic components including structure and mechanics).
  • Comprehension Skills
  • Lesson 1 - Translate common Jamaican Creole phrases to Standard Jamaican English
  • Translate common Jamaican Creole phrases to Standard Jamaican English
  • Assessment 1
  • Seatwork 1
  • Lesson 2 - Identify authors’ purpose when reading texts
  • Identify authors’ purpose when reading texts
  • Assessment 2
  • Seatwork 2
  • Lesson 3 - Develop an understanding of text organization and structure
  • Develop an understanding of text organization and structure
  • Assessment 3
  • Seatwork 3
  • Grammar Skills
  • Lesson 1 - Distinguish between the simple and complete subject and predicate
  • Distinguish between the simple and complete subject and predicate
  • Distinguish between the simple and complete subject and predicate
  • Assessment 1
  • Seatwork 1
  • Lesson 2 - Use appropriate transitional words in oral and written communication
  • Use appropriate transitional words in oral and written communication
  • Use appropriate transitional words in oral and written communication
  • Assessment 2
  • Seatwork 2
  • Lesson 3 - Identify interjections and the purpose of interjections
  • Identify interjections and the purpose of interjections
  • Assessment 3
  • Seatwork 3
  • Lesson 4 - Use the most appropriate noun phrase to complete sentences
  • Use the most appropriate noun phrase to complete sentences
  • Assessment 4
  • Seatwork 4
  • Vocabulary Skills
  • Lesson 1 - Apply appropriate word structure clues to decipher meaning
  • Apply appropriate word structure clues to decipher meaning
  • Assessment 1
  • Seatwork 1
  • Lesson 2 - Use knowledge of words, roots, derivations and spelling patterns
  • Use knowledge of words, roots, derivations and spelling patterns
  • Assessment 2
  • Seatwork 2
  • Lesson 3 - Use knowledge of letter clusters, syllables to spell unfamiliar words
  • Use knowledge of letter clusters, syllables to spell unfamiliar words
  • Assessment 3
  • Seatwork 3
  • Research/Study Skills
  • Lesson 1 - Use external and internal text features to locate information
  • Use external and internal text features to locate information
  • Assessment 1
  • Seatwork 1
  • Lesson 2 - Comment on the function of external and internal text features
  • Comment on the function of external and internal text features
  • Assessment 2
  • Seatwork 2
  • Lesson 3 - Use information to assist in the comprehension of text.
  • Use information to assist in the comprehension of text.
  • Assessment 3
  • Seatwork 3
  • Spelling Skills
  • Lesson 1
  • Seatwork 1
  • Writing Skills
  • Lesson 1 - Compose simple expository pieces
  • Seatwork 1
  • Lesson 2 - Identify and use onomatopoeia for impact
  • Seatwork 2
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed